Microenterprise Development Fund

Microenterprise Development Fund

This fund will apply whereby an owner seeks support to upgrade an existing vacant premise for the purposes of enabling new employment, micro-enterprise or innovation use.

Who is eligible to apply? The scheme is open to occupiers within industrial areas that wish to carry out certain works to refurbish vacant units with a view to establishing micro-enterprise, increasing employment and / or provision of incubator / innovation use. The fund is limited, and early application is encouraged.

South Dublin County Council will endeavour to prioritise schemes as they arise however, it is very important to note that the scheme design and delivery will be a matter for the applicant, to be approved by South Dublin County Council, subject to meeting certain criteria that will be assessed by the Local Authority.

What types of works will be funded? It is South Dublin County Council’s position not to be overly prescriptive regarding eligible works. However, the following criteria can be used as a guide to what may / may not be considered acceptable works. This fund is aimed particularly at refurbishment of industrial units with a view to increasing micro-enterprise, increasing employment and / or provision of incubator / innovation use.

Applications can be considered from landlords who  have a sub-let opportunity with new tenant or business operator seeking to sublet a section of the premises for a startup enterprise.

*Large scale projects will be assessed on a case-by-case basis for additional support.